Dragons Heart Breath Tai Chi

Feel more comfortable in your body; feel happier in your life. Tai Chi, and Tai Chi Shibashi, for people in Worcestershire and online.
“Do nothing with your body but relax…. Like a hollow bamboo, rest at ease in your body” (Tilopa’s advice to Naropa)
Sarah – I feel privileged to have shared in your Tai Chi sessions over the years. You bring a depth and calmness into the flow of moves; something quite precious.
Sara – you have such a grounded, clear and striking presence – what a gift.
Lucy – Your Tai Chi sessions give a lovely taste of what’s possible in this medium. Your descriptions of the movements appeal to me: clear, fun encouraging and challenging us to be “more”.
Barbara – Your body sessions brought so much lightness and joy into our retreat. You have such positive energy and beautiful smiles!
Lorna – Your body work sessions are really helping relieve my intense back pain. The drumming and incubation (sic – very relaxed meditations!) has allowed me to be here and live more fully. You are magnificent!
Alice – Thank you for being in such good contact with your body. It was so great to have your cheerful presence and sense of humour, inspired by the depth of your practice.
Janette – your delight and confidence in the movements you share, gives us all such great benefits. Thank you for sharing your beaming smile, humour and playfulness.
Gita – I have been thoroughly blown away by the generosity of your spirit – so welcoming, kind and inspiring. You have opened doors that I hadn’t turned towards.